Urinary Incontinence & Tract Infection Management System (UITIMS)
MaCaPS Urinary Incontinence & Tract Infection Management System (UITIMS) records resident’s urinary incontinence & tract infection conditions using multiple screening tools & questionnaire.
MaCaPS Urinary Incontinence & Tract Infection Management System will
- generate results automatically & alert for UI conditions level,
- assign priority training for client to improve or maintain UI conditions or according to latest assessment results,
- allow early detection of declined UI conditions and assign appropriate treatment and follow-ups,
- use RFID for identification and verification,
- provide wireless communication of data to CMAS,
- input schedule for re-assessment date or medical follow up,
- support touch screen data input,
- assist with Auto complete in form filling and calculation of assessment results,
- review of historical data and statistical report,
- integrate with CMAS for reporting and real time viewing of UITIMS historical information.